True happiness is ultimately found within us, no matter where we happen to be.

"I'm Stratton Horres. Traveler, adventurer and hopefully contributor to life. I wish for the pages of this website to open your mind to new experiences, places and aspirations."

So many times the secrets in life yet to unfold are right in front of our eyes.

Welcome to my website!

I’m off to Greece soon to get in touch with my inner Aristotle and literally follow in the footsteps of Alexander the Great. I will be posting new commentary and photos daily and I hope you will check them out. Journey with me.

All of the content
on this site is original,

Including the photos which are my unique creations so you won’t see them anywhere else. In this case this sunset over Prague was breathtaking!


As an author, I seek to enlighten those around me as I have been enlightened.


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